Wherever You Go The Sky Is The Same Color

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

There is a saying in Persian which states: " harja Neri asemaan hamin rang ast" which translates to : "Wherever you go the sky is the same color ".

What it means is it's your perspective and your inner peace / conflict that makes you perceive your environment.

As a therapist I would preach the same but very recently, in fact as I am writing this piece the message of this proverb is sinking in every cell of my body.

Our environment, how we perceive and respond to it is nothing but a message re reflection of our inner state. No place and person can ever make you happy if you can't be happy alone.

I have experienced both circumstances. I lived in most sought after countries like Canada, Singapore, UAE with extremely great career opportunities and yet I couldn't be at peace, or happy persay and while traveling for the past two months to many places that most people dare not go, I could found beauty and peace amidst all chaos and despair.

Another experience, another learning and yet another long awaited energy shift!

The inner work is tedious, lonely and sometimes scary but as life unfolds and you move a step forward to the land of inner discovery, you realize every step has been so worth it!

May every person finds the tranquility within and manifest the same without.

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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