Ascended Masters Message of 14th - 22nd Nov 2018 :

The Masters urge you to let go off your victim attitude and take charge of the situation.

They remind you that if you are clear about what you desire and your feelings, the Universe would support you to manifest your heart desire. The key is clarity. It is also important to be authentic and convey what you feel or what you desire.

There is a chance that you need to balance the energy of Masculine and feminine within and also in your environment. When the yin and yang is in balance, the relationships whether personal or at work become healthy. Healing with the father/ brother is indicated to help heal the Masculine within.

To heal the Masculine, you may consider Forgiveness and Gratitude as these are tools of healing that can help you heal the past and move on. 

Practice giving and receiving. It can be your time, some guidance, lending a shoulder to cry or a helping hand or even a compliment . But it is important there is a balance of giving and receiving in order to balance the yin and yang.

Affirmation : "I give generously and I receive graciously".

Blessings be with you ✨

Sahar Gharachorlou Therapist & LifeCoach


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