Receiving!! I have written about this topic before nevertheless it's worth periodical reminders! Many a times I hear people and even my own voice saying: " I wish this would work out" " I wish I had a better job" " I wish..." The list is long but I am sure you know where I am heading. Most people think desiring something is one thing and fulfilling the desire is another. There seem to be a gap between what we desire and what we actually get. I feel this wishful thinking has more to do with our ability and willingness to receive than things being denied or not available! I realized it was me who was not willing to receive the attention, it was me who was not willing to receive the luxury travel, it was me who was not ready to receive the fame, the money, the partner and all other things which I had been wishfully desiring! So what is the secret to being able to receive? How can we be in complete allowance
Stay focused on your Goals but don't rush! Be definite of your Goal and yet be open and willing to receive it in unexpected time and space! Be determined but allow the Divine Order to pave the way! Be sure and excited about your ambitions but don't get rigid and stubborn! Visualize and feel the final Goal but be kind to yourself on the way! Keep your thoughts in check, your actions would then follow! Every obstacle is telling you, you can choose another possibility while you stay focused on your goal. Remember,'It can be complex but not difficult'. Also sometimes you need to unlearn the old was to learn an easier way. Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
There is a saying in Persian which states: " harja Neri asemaan hamin rang ast " which translates to : "Wherever you go the sky is the same color ". What it means is it's your perspective and your inner peace / conflict that makes you perceive your environment. As a therapist I would preach the same but very recently, in fact as I am writing this piece the message of this proverb is sinking in every cell of my body. Our environment, how we perceive and respond to it is nothing but a message re reflection of our inner state. No place and person can ever make you happy if you can't be happy alone. I have experienced both circumstances. I lived in most sought after countries like Canada, Singapore, UAE with extremely great career opportunities and yet I couldn't be at peace, or happy persay and while traveling for the past two months to many places that most people dare not go, I could found beauty and peace amidst all chaos and d
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