Our Body is our temple! Our body is the Vehicle of the Soul! Our body is a gift to experience this existence at a very deep level! What do we do with this temple, with this gift, with this messenger of the Soul? We usually dislike it, even hate it! We ignore it, or use it as our emotional trash can! Either feeding it way too much or starving it! Constantly nagging and complaining about it! Many go to the extent of even changing how it looks through plastic and cosmetic surgery! Imagine if someone naggs you 24/7. Continuously telling you how ugly you are both verbally and energetically. Who keeps stuffing you with what the person feels is good or healthy or just because it's there. Imagine someone telling you, you are so bad that I need to cut a part of you or/and replace it with what pleases me! How would you react? We call this emotional abuse or physical abuse when done to us. While we do the same to our body all the time. Imag...
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