Ending 2018 thoughtfully to begin 2019 consciously!!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

The year 2018 is coming to an end! Let's do some introspection!!

We all have had achievements , pleasant and not so pleasant experiences.

If you look back, what is it you wish to do more of?
What do you wish you had never done/ said?
How would you ensure those stuff won't repeat in 2019?

What is it that you so wished to do but didn't find time or didn't have the courage to peruse?

What were your excuses?

In which areas of your life, you could have behaved differently for a more easier joyous experience?

How much could you let go?

Which are the places you were not in recieving mode?

Did you wish well for others?
Did you do justice to your role and your potential?

What can you do to make it better?

How many goals you achieved? How many you felt were no more serving you?

Did you think of everyone's highest good in your thoughts, words and deeds?

What did you do for your self growth and personal development?

What can you do to upgrade your life now?

Keep asking! Know yourself and transform your life.

Ending 2018 thoughtfully to begin 2019 consciously!!


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