Some more shades of Resistance 😬!

Let's understand what causes resistance in others towards us!
Because that's where we feel depleted and unworthy! 

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

That's were we go on a rampage to prove ourselves to the world and most often than not we return disappointed and beaten.

When we put up an Ego wall and a barrier up, because we want to be perceived a certain way ( good daughter/ son, Perfect partner, effective colleague, all knowing boss, best mother/ father, most hard working / deserving employee etc....) is when we cause others to react and reject us.

Our judgement of how they should perceive us and our judgement and expectation of ourselves puts great energy barriers up against us.

When you persist on something whether how you should be recieved by others or how your goals should be achieved, you put up the most powerful resistance wall in place which makes it difficult for others to penetrate into your energy wall.

Drop the need to be perceived by others as you wish and expect yourself to be!

Unless you drop your need/ expectations of being the best, most perfect and then be recognized for it, you do not give others a chance to see you as they wish to see you.

Hence the friction!!

Your expectation is taking away their freedom of perceiving you and also snatching away your right to be who you truly are.

Your Ego of wanting to be the perceived and recognized as best, is your greatest enemy towards making it happen.

Aloha Everyone 🦋🦋


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