Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
Thoughts and words have power⚡! They can change and redirect your life.

Life is anyways happening , your choices determine the course of your reality.

You only make a choice, you don't need to do much other than healing and removing stuff that are coming in the way of you choosing what is already being offered to you.

So remove these sentences from your vocabulary.
And see the miracles you produce.

▪️What will People Say......
▪️I can't do this......
▪️I am not in a good mood......
▪️I don't have time......
▪️My luck is always on the bad side......
▪️I didn't have the right circumstance....
▪️I was not supported.....
▪️Only if my family would have....

No excuses! Take responsibility of your life today and recreate your Life!

Have a beautiful day 👍🏻

Sahar Gharachorlou #LifeCoach


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