Ascended Master's Messages for the Month of January 2019:

Sahar Gharachorlou Therapist & LifeCoach

The message for the month of Jan 2019 is all about loving, pampering and nurturing yourself.

The year 2018 till Nov would have been a turbulent, exhaustive year for many. The energy shifts that had been taking place would have put us through a lot of introspection, cleansing and shifts which may have resulted in being off balance and feeling tired.
Many of you are still recovering from the huge changes, suddenly feeling tired and exhausted. Wondering if you still want to carry on doing what you were doing? Many are actively seeking to change their career and homes.

There seem to be physical change for many. Career, Relationships and even location.

So the Masters urge you to go easy, nurture yourself, allow your body and mind to rejuvenate completely.
The best way to be able to rest is when you detach yourself from the Goals you have set for yourself . Have goals, work towards them, don't get obsessed by them.
Do your bit and allow the Universe to take you forward and guide you. Make Joy your ultimate goal in all that you do! Make conscious effort to enjoy the process and the journey.
Also pay attention to your body. Make sure you have enough rest. Do the activities that allows your body to be more flexible. Reward yourself with healthy food and nature retreats.

Happy 2019 everyone!

Sahar Gharachorlou Therapist & LifeCoach


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