Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

I had always read and heard that most Sufi saints and great philosophers talked about not knowing anything at all, even though perhaps they knew about this existence much more than the collective consciousness of the rest of the world!

I finally made an attempt to understand what they meant.
I now understand wisdom too causes separation! With wisdom comes a sense of power, a passive superiority which is nothing but the Ego mind playing us yet again.
There seem to be 3 dimensions of "All that is". In simpler words, "The All" expresses itself in 3 different ways :
The Power
The Wisdom
And the Dimension of Love

Power breathes on control
Wisdom breathes on power
Love dissolves power and wisdom

"Love" as; "acceptance of all that is for what that is and how that is"!

In love, is the true power, where every vice becomes a virtue! Simply because no good, bad or ugly exists anymore, they all dissolve in the desire of the lover ( Us and The Spirit in us) to be one with the beloved ( Us and the expression of the Spirit through us)! There is no separation hence no need to control, either directly through power or indirectly through wisdom!

To love, is to just accept and be! And in acceptance, you allow the whole of this existence to be! Breathing, melting, dissolving and being one!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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