Love is never Selfless...Love is Self-full!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Consciousness which is the essence of what we are is not pro-pain!
Consciousness is only pro expansion and joy.

❤️ So if you are in pain because of the love of your life, you are there because it is serving you. Either serving your need or greed!

❤️ No one, absolutely no one ( even in any other kingdom) would hold on to pain if it is pure pain. It has to have a pleasure or a purpose. If it's pure pain you let it go! Like labour pain.At that moment of bone breaking pain, you only want to deliver and be over with pain.The joy settles in later!

❤️ Love has ought to be self-full because unless you have it how can you give or share it? You can't fill a cup from an empty kettle.

Why do people have children? because they want to leave behind a part of them, to extend and expand their being... It has absolutely nothing to do with child per se.

❤️ When you fall in love with a person, do you fall in love thinking I am going to selflessly love this person or do you fall in love in anticipation of a happy future? In hope of being loved!

You would choose someone whom at least you believe will serve you in some way ( can be wisdom, financial security, love, laughter, status... Whatever!)

someone you believe would understand you. Isn't it?

❤️ How many would fall in love with an intention of I would understand the other person?? I have never heard that one from anybody.

Have you ever said I would choose this partner to make the person successful, to understand the person to make him/ her super happy? No, you haven't! You chose thinking of you!!

❤️ You fall in love or choose a partner because you assume and perceive that the person would make you happy, would stand by you through your thick and thin.Would understand you.Would love you! You say my partner, you never say I am his / her partner! ( Not instantly, no one would introduce himself like that). The need to have someone you can call your own is being served with the clingy feeling we so wish it was love.

You marry and even before you have a child, you say " I love to have a child or be a parent ".How is this to do with the child!?
You love something you still don't have.For whose happiness? Of course yours.

❤️ This super glorified aspect of love everyone is searching and seeking is not love, it is a beautiful mind which has calculated a minimum of 5000 possibilities, pros and cons at the subconscious level by the time you have said Hi to someone you feel attracted to.

I am not even getting to soul contracts and past lives, etc!

Now coming to tolerating an abusive relationship thinking it is Selfless love 🤨Well, it's self-full hate, and lack of self belief. Lack of self love.

That selflessness is nothing but the inability to believe, "I deserve something better". It's not Selfless, it's deep rooted fearful.

☑ No one would ever hold on to pain unless there is a gain / a pleasure in it!!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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