Be a Best Friend to yourself and to the ones you love!!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

What I miss the most about my father's presence is our meaningful conversations.

One day when I was just 17 was he talked to me about marriage.

He told me: 'Sahar remember, if you and your husband can't be best of friends, you would never experience the kind of love you expect.'

This statement stayed with me, but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to experience and fully understand it. Today as I watch many relationships, I finally understand what my father meant then.

Most of us Love the other the way we have been conditioned to know love. We do things as a sign of love for our children, spouse, parents and all others as we want to be loved. Very few really care to know the other person well enough to identify his needs, his pain and conditioning.
And unless we know ourselves well and are our own very best friend we can never hold a similar space for our loved ones.

We won't be able to love and care as the other wishes to be loved and cherished.

We may do a lot and do it well, but it may not be received well. It's like you bake the most delicious cake and offer it to a diabetic patient.
It would be hazardous to his health no matter how well you intended and no matter what an amazing baker you are.

Unknowingly most of us love without care! We love based on how we understand love and wish to be cared for.

My father perhaps could use the most simple way to explain. Best friends know each other so well that not much in words needs to be communicated, they care for each other how the other needs to be cared for in any given situation. Egos have melted to a great extent and only happiness, quality time and good will stays.

Love without the element of true care fades away because love as we perceive it is a mere reflection of what we desire for ourselves.

Be a best friend to yourself and to the ones you love instead of wanting to possess them. Don't love with the need to fill the holes your insecurities have digged into you! Befriend yourself and your loved ones.

Care for others as per what they need and not what you assume and you would transform your relationships as if by magic!

Light and Blessings 🙏🏻🙌🏻

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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