Let us all strive to be whole and complete!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Few days ago I was a witness to an argument between two siblings.

At the end ( or better say that's how it ended), the elder one told the younger sibling, your life and what you went through is your fault. Being clairvoyant I could see the accused's Aura getting scattered and I could almost hear her heart crack. ( The same Crack every broken heart carries).

It wasn't a pleasant situation to witness and I knew I would need to play the mediator in few minutes. At that point my own life flashed in front of my eyes!
My own family, all that happened collectively and individually for everyone in my family while a parallel memory of almost all my therapy cases just breezed through my mind.

This profound and yet extremely painful truth made its presence in my being even more visible. Like a harsh reminder! The fact that no matter how it feels and looks, at the end its our doing!

It's always us Vs. us!
It is always the Conscious mind Vs. the Subconscious Mind.
It is always Soul Vs. Ego and unless we unite all aspects of ourselves, this gap will remain and will continue to create space for new cracks in the heart and new learnings for the Soul!

Let us all strive to be whole and complete!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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