You attract what you are!!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Its our innate nature to long for companionship. The desire is so strong that we often bypass our awareness and fall for people who do not match our frequency. The reason is we always have an expectation out of every relationship and of ourselves .
In order to be able to fulfill our expectations we move into relationships with certain fixed ideals and projections. Sometimes our own intentions don't match what we truly are seeking!

If you truly seek a fulfilling relationship, allow yourself to remain aware without any judgement, expectations or how you wish it to turn out to be.

Let the relationship unfold and at each step see if it offers to match your energy. You would know!! If it's fun, light, expansive with no strings attached, if you are operating from honor, trust and respect!

You would know if your intentions are clear! Just remember, 'You attract what you are' so keep aside all your ideas of how it should be, keep aside all that you read, heard and saw of an ideal relationship and allow what you have in your garden of companionship grow in its own pace. Good things take time and effort!

Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach


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