
Showing posts from January, 2019
The essence of this Universe is energy! The creation takes place when information puts this energy into motion! It is the nature of the energy to move, hence any form of hoarding whether emotional, mental, physical or financial stops the flow of energy! Giving and receiving are the same energy, if you are only a receiver who finds it difficult to share, then all that you are doing is not allowing the abundance to move into your life. Affluence is Abundance in flow! You stop the flow in anyway, the whole of life that's growth and expansion comes to a halt and that's not what the existence is all about!! Give, share, care, let go and grow!! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

The Universal Law of Exchange says:

If you wish to add value to your life, give / share that which is valuable to you. To me most valuable things are : ♦ Affection ♦ Time ♦ Care ♦ Love ♦ Joy ♦ Wisdom What do you value the most?? How do you plan to share what you value? Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
I had always read and heard that most Sufi saints and great philosophers talked about not knowing anything at all, even though perhaps they knew about this existence much more than the collective consciousness of the rest of the world! I finally made an attempt to understand what they meant. I now understand wisdom too causes separation! With wisdom comes a sense of power, a passive superiority which is nothing but the Ego mind playing us yet again. There seem to be 3 dimensions of "All that is". In simpler words, "The All" expresses itself in 3 different ways : The Power The Wisdom And the Dimension of Love Power breathes on control Wisdom breathes on power Love dissolves power and wisdom "Love" as; "acceptance of all that is for what that is and how that is"! In love, is the true power, where every vice becomes a virtue! Simply because no good, bad or ugly exists anymore, they all dissolve in the desire of the lover ( Us and The Spirit ...

7 Stages of Deliberate Creation

  Law of Attraction is as much about positive thinking as it is about deliberate creation! Every creation has a minimum of 7 stages : Conceptualization Polishing the perceived concept with precision of desired results Planning Execution Alterations & modifications Re- execution Remaining on "Path of least resistance". 9 Qualities of a deliberate creator : Visionary Disciplinary Flexible Focused Determined Confident Believer (in Self and the concept) Dreamer Positive Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

4 Components of Luck!

Did you know there is a way to be always lucky? Yes, you read that right! The key is to create your luck... Sharing with you the 4 Components of permanent Luck ; L: Level up your game (Invest in your growth) U : Unlearn your weaknesses (determined attitude) C: Cease the Opportunity K : Key Action (Take Action when you must) Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
I get to meet parents with troubled children/ teenagers. They are constantly worried about the bad behavior/ fears and insecurities of their children. If you want your child to do well, set examples. If you want your child to behave well, set examples. If you don't want your child to be fearful, if you want your child to be confident and be mentally and emotionally stable, find out what in you is causing your child to be / behave in unpleasant ways! Children are the reflection of their parents. You change and they will change too. Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Ascended Masters Message for the week 24th - 31st Jan 2019!

The Masters remind us that we are in the most fertile time zone at this moment of time! Whatever you have in mind, those ideas, that project, the love of your life... Whatever it is, if you take steps towards actualizing them, your dreams would be fulfilled with least effort. Just make sure your intention is clear and for highest good of all, make sure you are focused and grounded in your ideas and that you have a concrete plan. This is a period of good news, all the past efforts and hard work you have put in, starts to pay off. It may not be in the manner you have perceived in your mind, but it surely is much better than you thought or could imagine. The key is let go off your idea of compensation and allow the Universe to shower you with abundance! Have a Magical week everyone! Sahar Gharachorlou Therapist & LifeCoach Source: Ascended Masters Message for the week 24th - 31st Jan 2019 !

7 questions to ask to know if your partner is the one you would be happily married to?

Would s/he be with me in thick and thin? Does s/he accept me for who I am in all my nasty, embarrassing, dark, dirty, hopeless moments? Would s/he be able to take it forward alone in times I am exhausted, shaken and beaten while waiting and supporting me to get back on my feet? Would s/he enjoy holding my hand and having a warm conversation or is s/he only concern about the scent of the bedsheets? Would this person stay with me if I get critically ill? Does s/he honor my roots no matter how they look and feel? Would I be able to do all above for him/ her? STOP asking and worrying about how much s/ he would love you. STOP wondering if you look attractive to him/ her! STOP wanting to be wanted. STOP wondering if s/he would die for you. STOP worrying about how good you are at intimacy. STOP worrying about how rich s/he is and how successful s/he would be! STOP making castles in clouds, it's on ground reality where things should matter. Saha...

Follow Your Own Dream!!

What makes us different from other beings is our power of choice and our awareness of the consciousness within us that makes those choices! Unfortunately very few exercise the latter! Most people make choices but very few make Aware choices! Hence, very few seem to be the great ones, the legends, the best! And then everyone follows them. You need to understand being like someone does not lead to the same outcome as they have had but making aware, conscious choices and knowing your calling is what makes the difference. Newton did not want to become like anyone when he discovered law of gravity. The Wright brothers were not thinking of becoming like anyone but they simply followed an impossible knowing / calling! Follow your own dream, you would have at least one that could change the world or at least make a difference! You like anyone else can make a difference only if you understand what's your dream and distinguish from what's imposed on you!! And the...

Learn to Listen!

A lot of relationships start on a great note and slowly the charm fades away after a few months or a few years. Many people complain of their partner being either too angry or indifferent. There is one simple way to mend almost any relationship. Learn to Listen! Yes, you read right... Just learn to listen, to hear the other person out. Don't listen to defend, to argue, to react or to judge! Listen to listen!! Hear each other out. Listen with love, with compassion. Pay attention to their pain at that moment. You will have your turn soon. Angry or indifferent people are a well of unspoken words because when they did speak, no one paid attention. Depression & addiction is the pain, the anger staled enough to become fungus. Learn to listen and Pay attention to mend, repair and rebuild your relationships! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Affirmations for Self Worth :

I am worthy of Love because I Am I am worthy of Support because I Am I am worthy of growth because I Am I am worthy of a joy because I Am I am worthy of laughter because I Am I am worthy of good friendships and harmonious relationships because I Am I deserve to excel I deserve to manifest I deserve to be fulfilled I deserve to be contented I deserve to be free I deserve to be loved I am worthy of truth I am worthy of Love I am worthy of loyalty I am worthy of trust I am worthy of honor I am worthy of Abundance I am worthy of good health I am worthy of Wealth I am worthy of Prosperity I am worthy of Grace Just because I Am! Blessed Be! Aloha Everyone 💖 P.S These affirmations are to be repeated in loop of 7, for next 40 days! When you do the affirmations, Comment below and let me know how you did... Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Ascended Master’s Message for the Week of Jan 16th to 23rd 2019:

The Masters want you to know that We are moving through a phase with highetened awareness. What this means is; there are changes taking place within you and around you. Causing you to may have a feeling of swinging between the two poles of extreme hope and happiness at one moment and sadness and despair in the very next moment. The message is; " Take it Easy." There maybe a need for more sleep, more me time as you realize that there are thousands of thoughts clouding you at the same time. A series of repeated thoughts about same person or same subject and you wonder if you are going crazy. Well! You are not! 😉 It's just that you are becoming aware of your mind's pattern so that you can break it. Indulge in a bit of self pampering, this is the time to pay attention to your dreams, both in sleep state as well as a dream you have been having about an ideal life, note them down, reflect on them so that you open the energy pathways. Keep...

What success really is?

I asked a question few days ago; " what is success to you"? Some of you have written success is happiness, contentment, inner peace etc. If we think a bit deeper, these are the feelings you wish to have as an indication for you to know you are successful or in another words to be sure you have achieved what you were meant to. These feelings are your Soul / higher Self or Spirit communicating with you and telling you that you are in the right place. You would only know "all is well", if you are happy, if you feel at peace with yourself, if you feel free, if you feel contented! Let's understand success from a deeper perspective! Success essentially is continuous progression ( at all levels of health, Relationships, finances, spiritual path) with a prolonged feeling of happiness. When we progress, when we grow, when we move forward to more ease and joy we feel happy and contented. This feeling of happiness and joy is the mediu...

Self Entitlement Vs Self Acceptance

  Self entitlement is the biggest damage you can do to yourself. You may be happy in a false reality for a long time but you can't prevent the collapse of that world! Self acceptance on the other hand is your greatest asset for your growth! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Changes just don't happen, you create them!

The whole of existence is permanently changing, for you to stay aligned with the gigantic shift, you need to take small steps in order to head in the same direction! You can't keep going straight if there is a curve ahead, you need to turn with the turn! If you don't, the Universe would push you, pull you, turn you upside down till you align with its direction! It won't let you fall though 😉 Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
Universal Law of Unity states that, everything that ever was, is or ever would be has been manifested from pure consciousness. You, everyone and everything around you is the same pure consciousness hence, you can too manifest that which you desire! The key is to know your true Self! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Ascended Master's Message for the Week of Jan 8th to 15th 2019:

The message is quite in sink with the energy of New Year, resolutions and the enthusiasm we all have at this time of the year. You are being asked to remain focused, put all that you know into daily practice and remain #focus at your dreams, goals and desires. This also means you need to be assertive with your time and say no to distractions. Create a vision board or use any tool that can keep you reminded of your goals daily. Take steps towards your dream on a daily basis. Make yourself and your projects a priority. Meditate 10-15 minutes a day in order to remain focused. Make sure you set a strong intention every single day. If it is a field of work you wish to excel at, the key is to practice everyday! Practice, study, upscale yourself and keep taking small but definite and determined steps towards the life you so desire to have! Affirmation : " Everyday in every way I am getting better, better and better." ~Emile Choe Light a...

Law of Attraction Tip #1 :

There are really just two steps to live a life you desire ; 1. Ask ( With precision and focus) 2. Receive ( Be open to Receive what you asked for). Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Affirmation for January 2019 :

" I invite ease into every corner of my life, I am one with the flow of life. All is well in my Universe". Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Ascended Master's Messages for the Month of January 2019:

The message for the month of Jan 2019 is all about loving, pampering and nurturing yourself. The year 2018 till Nov would have been a turbulent, exhaustive year for many. The energy shifts that had been taking place would have put us through a lot of introspection, cleansing and shifts which may have resulted in being off balance and feeling tired. Many of you are still recovering from the huge changes, suddenly feeling tired and exhausted. Wondering if you still want to carry on doing what you were doing? Many are actively seeking to change their career and homes. There seem to be physical change for many. Career, Relationships and even location. So the Masters urge you to go easy, nurture yourself, allow your body and mind to rejuvenate completely. The best way to be able to rest is when you detach yourself from the Goals you have set for yourself . Have goals, work towards them, don't get obsessed by them. Do your bit and allow the Universe to take you forward and guide ...