
Showing posts from April, 2019

Purpose or Search For Meaning in Life

One thing is common with every single person I have met, from happy super successful to sad and non achievers! They all are searching for "Meaning" in life!! Some call it peace, some call it love, some call it higher consciousness/ purpose ! It doesn't matter what they call it but it's "meaning" that everyone is searching for. The difference is the happy, super successful ones know the secret!! 'That the only meaning to life is the one you give it'. 'The meaning you give to others' lives and how you include others in your meaning of life!' Any other method is bound to fail and make you miserable and empty yet again! Like constructing a sentence, every single word is important. Their placement in the sentence and how they are used is what makes a sentence and give it purpose. You too need to construct your life well, word by word, act by act so that it has and can convey the meaning you so desire!...

Your food and how it effects your body is only an indication of how you deal with yourself and how you handle your emotions!

As a health coach I understand the phobia that has been created around food and how it effects our body. However, food too is a part of our environment. It is a part of what we are and what we can be/ become ! The word relationship is a word mostly misunderstood, relationship with everything outside of us is a reflection of how we feel within & about ourselves! If your relationship with food is that of fear and discomfort, perhaps your relationship with who you are and your body is that of dislike and lack of trust! Your food should not and can not control you unless you give it permission. You want food to make you healthy, start thinking healthy thoughts about yourself and your life. Trust yourself, honor who you are even if things in the past have been ugly, nasty or even so called evil! Your food and how it effects your body is only an indication of how you deal with yourself and how you handle your emotions! Remember Gratitude is always a grea...

Wherever You Go The Sky Is The Same Color

There is a saying in Persian which states: " harja Neri asemaan hamin rang ast " which translates to : "Wherever you go the sky is the same color ". What it means is it's your perspective and your inner peace / conflict that makes you perceive your environment. As a therapist I would preach the same but very recently, in fact as I am writing this piece the message of this proverb is sinking in every cell of my body. Our environment, how we perceive and respond to it is nothing but a message re reflection of our inner state. No place and person can ever make you happy if you can't be happy alone. I have experienced both circumstances. I lived in most sought after countries like Canada, Singapore, UAE with extremely great career opportunities and yet I couldn't be at peace, or happy persay and while traveling for the past two months to many places that most people dare not go, I could found beauty and peace amidst all chaos and d...

Ascended Master’s Messages for the Week of April 23rd to 30th, 2019:

You have worked hard and perhaps at this moment you feel a bit scattered and drained.  Masters urge you to be persistent and focus on the vision that you have.  Don't give in to small little obstacles. Don't get overwhelmed with the quantum of the work at hand. Break down your goal into mini goals and take continuous steps even if they feel very tiny ones. Remember every step is a step closer to what you had once envisioned. They want you to know and remember 'Perfectionism' is the other side of the coin of procrastination, so if perfection is your excuse, you know what you need to work on. Stay positive, stay calm!  Remain focused, many positive changes are on the way. Some may feel totally out of your comfort zone but you need to trust the Divine. You are being pushed because you have much more potential than you can possibly imagine at this moment. Welcome the change and allow yourself to move forward! Its time for fabulous, exciting positive ...

You attract what you are!!

Its our innate nature to long for companionship. The desire is so strong that we often bypass our awareness and fall for people who do not match our frequency. The reason is we always have an expectation out of every relationship and of ourselves . In order to be able to fulfill our expectations we move into relationships with certain fixed ideals and projections. Sometimes our own intentions don't match what we truly are seeking! If you truly seek a fulfilling relationship, allow yourself to remain aware without any judgement, expectations or how you wish it to turn out to be. Let the relationship unfold and at each step see if it offers to match your energy. You would know!! If it's fun, light, expansive with no strings attached, if you are operating from honor, trust and respect! You would know if your intentions are clear! Just remember, 'You attract what you are' so keep aside all your ideas of how it should be, keep aside all that you read, hea...

Let us all strive to be whole and complete!

Few days ago I was a witness to an argument between two siblings. At the end ( or better say that's how it ended), the elder one told the younger sibling, your life and what you went through is your fault. Being clairvoyant I could see the accused's Aura getting scattered and I could almost hear her heart crack. ( The same Crack every broken heart carries). It wasn't a pleasant situation to witness and I knew I would need to play the mediator in few minutes. At that point my own life flashed in front of my eyes! My own family, all that happened collectively and individually for everyone in my family while a parallel memory of almost all my therapy cases just breezed through my mind. This profound and yet extremely painful truth made its presence in my being even more visible. Like a harsh reminder! The fact that no matter how it feels and looks, at the end its our doing! It's always us Vs. us! It is always the Conscious mind Vs. the Subconsc...

Be a Best Friend to yourself and to the ones you love!!

What I miss the most about my father's presence is our meaningful conversations. One day when I was just 17 was he talked to me about marriage. He told me: 'Sahar remember, if you and your husband can't be best of friends, you would never experience the kind of love you expect.' This statement stayed with me, but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to experience and fully understand it. Today as I watch many relationships, I finally understand what my father meant then. Most of us Love the other the way we have been conditioned to know love. We do things as a sign of love for our children, spouse, parents and all others as we want to be loved. Very few really care to know the other person well enough to identify his needs, his pain and conditioning. And unless we know ourselves well and are our own very best friend we can never hold a similar space for our loved ones. We won't be able to love and care as the other wishes to be ...

Face your fears

In your fear lies your biggest gift. "The strength of your Soul and extent of your potential". It is your foremost responsibility to overcome your fear and tap into the infinite potency that is dormant within you. Fear like all other limitations have a gift to unwrap! Face your fears and own your gifts! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Keep Asking

Most people wish to be happy, successful, in love or all of the above! But they do not really know what does it mean to be happy, or how they wish to feel being in love? Many don't even know what exactly success would feel or look like! The most important questions you can ask yourself and ask frequently are : ' What do I really want?' 'How would it feel to be happy? What does happiness mean to me?' 'What do I understand/ know about being in Love? How do I wish to feel?' 'What does success mean to me?' Ask the right questions and help the Universe to bring you most accurate and liberating answers! Questions keep you in flow so keep asking! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach