
Showing posts from December, 2018

The last Greeting 2018

Hope the year 2018 has been a year of many knowings, beautiful moments, happy relationship and most importantly a healthy relationship with yourself! As the year comes to an end, I wish you a smooth closing of yet another event full year. May you have a "Me Time" to sit and ponder upon all you did/ said which was not necessary and make a resolution to say and do as much as required and more importantly pay attention to your business more than that of others. I wish you all a Happy, Prosperous and healthy 2019! May you be abundant in good deeds, compassionate thought and kind words! Wishing you all a very Happy New year! Aloha Blessings to all 🦋 Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Some more shades of Resistance 😬!

Let's understand what causes resistance in others towards us! Because that's where we feel depleted and unworthy!  That's were we go on a rampage to prove ourselves to the world and most often than not we return disappointed and beaten. When we put up an Ego wall and a barrier up, because we want to be perceived a certain way ( good daughter/ son, Perfect partner, effective colleague, all knowing boss, best mother/ father, most hard working / deserving employee etc....) is when we cause others to react and reject us. Our judgement of how they should perceive us and our judgement and expectation of ourselves puts great energy barriers up against us. When you persist on something whether how you should be recieved by others or how your goals should be achieved, you put up the most powerful resistance wall in place which makes it difficult for others to penetrate into your energy wall. Drop the need to be perceived by others as you wish and e...

Ending 2018 thoughtfully to begin 2019 consciously!!

The year 2018 is coming to an end! Let's do some introspection!! We all have had achievements , pleasant and not so pleasant experiences. If you look back, what is it you wish to do more of? What do you wish you had never done/ said? How would you ensure those stuff won't repeat in 2019? What is it that you so wished to do but didn't find time or didn't have the courage to peruse? What were your excuses? In which areas of your life, you could have behaved differently for a more easier joyous experience? How much could you let go? Which are the places you were not in recieving mode? Did you wish well for others? Did you do justice to your role and your potential? What can you do to make it better? How many goals you achieved? How many you felt were no more serving you? Did you think of everyone's highest good in your thoughts, words and deeds? What did you do for your self growth and personal...

Resistance and it's many Shades!

Let's understand another shade of resistance! Criticism is a most ignored layer of resistance. When we criticize other people for who they are, we are operating from resistance to our own authentic self. Fault finding with others, gossip and criticism is nothing but resistance to your own being. For most people it's difficult to digest others being who they are. We may approve of something and disapprove of another but that's about our conditioning. It has nothing to do with right-ness or wrong-ness of it. Those who are aligned with their own life, they talk (if at all) with encouragement and words that would be soothing and helping others to align too. These days most people ( especially those with a few spiritual practices / reading) start to believe they are an authority to pin point, find fault, criticize etc, which is a very passive way of resistance. An aligned person would wait to find the right time, right expression, right guidance ...

Ascended Master's Message for the week of 24th - 31st Dec 2018 :

The Masters urge you to let go off your resistance! If you feel boredom and sadness, if you feel disconnected and disoriented, it is because you are resisting the flow of Life! The entire Universe is thriving with growth and expansion at all time. If you have become stagnant and feel lost, its because you have stood in the middle of the way , trying to block this powerful force called Life. Instead you need to trust it and flow with it, it knows where to take you and at what pace. To move out of resistance, realign yourself to fun! Do all that you do for the fun of it, not out of compulsion and see your life transform! Affirmation to release resistance : " As I let go off my stubborn resistance, I align with the flow of life. I am safely joyous". Happy Holidays everyone! Sahar Gharachorlou Therapist & LifeCoach A source from Ascended Master’s Message for the week of 24th 31st Dec 2018 .

Love Is Acceptance

Nothing less, nothing more. Only in acceptance a union is possible! Aloha is Love in it's true form. The Feelings you feel, are not love, they are desires of wishing to experience Aloha. To be received in total acceptance in order to have a Union! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

About Our Life Purpose!!

 So what is our Life Purpose? Our purpose is so simple that we can't believe it. The purpose is Being. "Just Being" is the purpose. As the purpose of fish🐟 is to swim, purpose of plants🌱 to grow. Our purpose is to simply BE just because we are. Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Be Grateful to Yourself!

You went through everything and you yet survived! Be grateful to yourself because you can give more than you recieve. Be grateful for you have bent many time but did not break! Be grateful for choosing to be more of you! Be grateful for choosing to change, to shift, to contribute! Be grateful for choosing to express the Divine image through your unique expression! Be grateful! Because you matter and you have a choice to make a difference! Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
To smile🙂 is " The secret" to "The Secret" . When you smile you are grateful, you can't be complaining and that puts the wheel of manifestation into a speedy roll. Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Ascended Masters Message for the week of 16th - 23rd Dec 2018 :

The Masters wish to tell you that, there is infinite help and support available for you. The reason you feel unsupported is because you are not asking for help. Seeking help by no mean indicates your lack of capabilities or knowledge, it only means that you wish to have more ease in your life. You can seek professional help if what you need support for is a career / professional or health issue. You can also seek help from nature, nature is one of the kindest and most beautiful teachers. In it resides many answers. Connecting with nature can bring you a balance of mind, body and Spirit which in itself is a solution to almost every challenge. If you are in a creative field, learning form a teacher or a person with more experience would be very helpful. Seek help, guidance and assistance, allow the Universe to bring to you that which would help you have the best outcome from your projects and your challenge. Happy Holidays everyone! Sahar Gharachorlou...
Why does Law ofAttraction work only in certain areas of your life is because, "This Universe is here to serve you, it would always say yes to everything you think, imagine or say! If you wish the law to work for you, you need to watch yourself not the Universe". Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach

Sharing a Case study from the 2 days Past Life Regression Therapy Workshop!

As we started the workshop, one of the participants told me that she did not know why she was doing the workshop! She regressed to 3 lifetimes during the health session and found her answers why she could not trust her intuition as well as the reason behind her leg pains. During the session on finances, she had mentioned that she has no concern about finances neither she desires it. But the most interesting learning for her was during this session. She regressed to a lifetime where she was a mountain. A Mighty mountain! ( Isn't that interesting?) The mountain consciousness was that of pride and Ego. It believed nothing could shake it. She then was moved to a scene where due to volcanic erruptions everything was shaken, the mountain shape had changed and in a way it was it's death. During the #LBL part of session , she was told by the Master that, the lesson of the mountain was; " To learn and honor the cycle of life and death." That lif...

Ascended Masters Message for the week of 8th – 15 Dec 2018 :

This week message is from Arch Angel Gabriel. AA Gabriel is asking you to be TRUE to yourself and follow your inner voice at all times and at all costs! Ask the Divine wisdom to partner with you and help you trust your Knowing! If you are facing any difficulty in any area of life, it is because you have been compromising yourself to accommodate people, to please them while you put yourself in unpleasant situations. Trust your Knowing and follow the path shown, do it one step at a time and be persistent ! If you are feeling stuck or your business has stalled, it is because you have compromised on your original ideas. This is the result of your fears and trying to fit in with everyone. The good news is, it's never too late! You can always get back on track. Be Assertive from now on. Being honest with yourself and authentic with others is the only way forward! Affirmation for the week : " I am an expression of Divine Love ". Saha...
One of the scary words I get to hear a lot these days is the term " Depression". Being a student of psychology I feel, it's very unfortunate how psychology deals with this MENTIONAL 😳😄, (mental-emotional 😇) dis-ease! ☝🏻️My new innovative vocabulary 😉 Depression is 80% suppressed anger! The person who is depressed is angry at himself for not being able to express, for not being able to say the right thing at the right time. He is angry because of his own inaction, which would have lead him to a state of feeling stuck and paralyzed with the people/ situations . In more than 80% cases a depressed person only needs to be given permission to express himself, express his anger, shame and regret. To feel his helplessness and his sadness of lost time deeply and acknowledge it. If you have someone in your family who is clinically diagnosed with depression, please hear them out. Help them express their anger. Ask them what is it they so wan...
Our Dark and Light not only co-exist but are intermingled, entangled and reside within each other. Denying the dark aspect of ourselves is like denying a wounded arm. You can't cut it and throw it away. You need to embrace it, clean the wound and slowly process it's healing and watch it heal as you bear the pain. We can not be whole and complete and act in full capacity of our infinite potential if we have discarded our dark. When we refuse to acknowledge and accept our wholeness, the light that exists within the dark and the dark that exists within the light, we invite our mirror images and reflections in forms of people who may break our trust. People who would hurt us, people who would not honor us. Once you see all of you and accept this endless mirror images of your light and your shadow, you have finally arrived! Arrived at a junction where you have the power of absolute choice! You can negotiate for ease, joy and Grace! That's when the...
    At any moment_in_life , you have two_choices ! Either get lost in your resistance, listening to the Ego Mind 🧠 . Believing in separation and victimhood. Or To find yourself in allowance and acceptance! Where you know the Universe has your back and all of #life is happening for you and take responsibility of your Life. What makes the difference is your ability to choose!! What are you choosing today? Sahar Gharachorlou LifeCoach
    Thoughts and words have power⚡! They can change and redirect your life. Life is anyways happening , your choices determine the course of your reality. You only make a choice, you don't need to do much other than healing and removing stuff that are coming in the way of you choosing what is already being offered to you. So remove these sentences from your vocabulary. And see the miracles you produce. ▪️ What will People Say...... ▪️ I can't do this...... ▪️ I am not in a good mood...... ▪️ I don't have time...... ▪️ My luck is always on the bad side...... ▪️ I didn't have the right circumstance.... ▪️ I was not supported..... ▪️ Only if my family would have.... ☑ No excuses! Take responsibility of your life today and recreate your Life! Have a beautiful day 👍🏻 Sahar Gharachorlou #LifeCoach

Case Study - Past Life Regression Workshop!

One of the participants wanted to heal the diabetes issue. During the PLR session on health, he was regressed to a past life where, he saw himself as a very dark skinned woman ( female in the past) . She was so disappointed with the color of her skin that she believed no man would ever want to marry her. So in her insecurities she allowed herself to be lured by a young man around the age 16, she slept with the boy who later left her. This resulted in her getting pregnant but the pregnancy got terminated. She was then married by her family to a man who was 30-40 years elder to her, who had kept her only for his sexual needs. When the group was regressed, in the opening scene, this participant had seen himself as an old woman sitting next to an old man on his death bed and to his ( participant's) surprise, the woman he was seeing was happy and waiting for the old man's death . It was the scene of the death of her husband. She was so sick of the sexual abuse ...